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31 to 40 of 44 Results
Nov 8, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Lehmann, Hartmut; Muravyev, Aleksander; Kiev International Institute of Sociology, KIIS; Centre for Economic Reform and Transformation, CERT; Economics Education and Research Consortium-Ukraine, EERC; Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung-Essen, RWI, 2023, "Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
The survey aimed at getting detailed information on employment, reasons for unemployment and job search strategies, education, changes in places of residence and health of active adult population of Ukraine. The survey was held in all the regions including the Crimean Autonomous...
Nov 7, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Askitas, Nikos; Zimmermann, Klaus F., 2023, "Toll Index",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
The Toll Index (TI) is a new monthly indicator for the German business cycle and is offered by the International Data Service Center (IDSC) of IZA as a service to forecasting practitioners and policy makers alike. The TI measures the monthly transportation activity performed by h...
Nov 7, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Muravjev, Alexander, 2023, "The Evolution of the Regulation of Labor in the USSR, the CIS and the Baltic States, 1985–2009",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
We have generated new data on Employment Protection Legislation (EPL) in the successor states of the former USSR - the CIS and Baltic States - from 1985 - 2009. We adopted the OECD approach to quantifying regulations of the labor market and calculated detailed time series for eac...
Nov 6, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Kuhn, Peter J.; Shen, Kailing; Helleseter, Miguel Delgado, 2023, "The Age Twist in Employers' Gender Requests: Evidence from Four Job Boards",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
When permitted by law, employers sometimes state the preferred age and gender of their employees in job ads. The researchers study the interaction of advertised requests for age and gender on one Mexican and three Chinese job boards, showing that firms’ explicit gender requests s...
Nov 5, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Askitas, Nikos, 2023, "STAU",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
The data set contains the number of hourly STAUs reported on the website of the ADAC and scraped from the web programmatically by the author (variable name adac) and hourly search intensity for the word stau (German for Traffic Jam) in Germany as obtained from Google Trends (vari...
Nov 5, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Dohmen, Thomas; Shvartsman, Elena, 2023, "Overexertion of Effort under Working Time Autonomy and Feedback Provision",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
The researchers develop an experiment to show that overprovision of costly effort is more likely to occur in work environments with working time autonomy in the absence of feedback. A key feature of the design is that it allows for a clean measurement of effort overprovision by k...
Nov 3, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Askitas, Nikos, 2023, "Opinion Copulas, Homophily and Multimodal Marginals",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
An empirically founded and widely established driving force in opinion dynamics is homophily i.e. the tendency of "birds of a feather" to "flock together". The closer our opinions are the more likely it is that we will interact and converge. Models using these assumptions are cal...
Oct 31, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Jobs of the World Database
Bandiera, Oriana; Elsayed, Ahmed, 2023, "G²LM|LIC – Jobs of the World Database",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
The Jobs of the World Database (JWD) is a publicly available database constructed by harmonizing the available micro-datasets which contain information on jobs and labor market activities in low- and middle-income countries to create a multi-country macro-dataset. The current ver...
Oct 31, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle; Rinne, Ulf, 2023, "IZA Expert Opinion Survey",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
The IZA Expert Opinion Survey on the Single European Labor Market was conducted in February 2014. The purpose of the survey was to get a fresh collection of opinions regarding the current state of the Single European Labor Market, its determinants and the importance of the crisis...
Oct 31, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Falk, Armin; Graeber, Thomas, 2023, "Delayed Negative Effects of Prosocial Spending on Happiness",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The data were collected in a behavioral choice experiment with a total of N = 591 student participants at the BonnEconLab of the University of Bonn, Germany, in September 2016. In the main sample, Lottery Choice (N = 325), subjects chose between two lotteries, Lottery A (with pro...
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