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Feb 21, 2025 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Lambon-Quayefio, Monica; Asiedu, Edward; Truffa, Francesca; Wong, Ashley, 2025, "G²LM|LIC - Female Entrepreneurship and Professional Networks",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V1
Despite being the only region in the world where there are more female entrepreneurs than men, the vast majority of female-owned businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa are microenterprises and women’s businesses earn 34% lower profits than male-owned ones. Identifying the constraints f...
ZIP Archive - 520.4 KB - MD5: ed276abe280de0e6192ec3d2bebde93c
The repository contains all the essential documentation for the replication and own research.
ZIP Archive - 325.3 KB - MD5: 3694b2a755456527b3cd882487188523
The repository contains all the essential data for the replication and own research.
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