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Jan 30, 2024
Assaad, Raul; Krafft, Caroline, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.706.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V4
The Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 2022 (SLMPS 2022) is the first wave of a planned longitudinal study of the Sudanese labor market designed to elucidate the way in which human resources are developed and deployed in the Sudanese economy. The SLMPS 2022 is a nationally-represent...
Jan 8, 2024
Crepon, Bruno; Crafft, Caroline; Caria, Stefano; Abdelrahman, Nagy, 2024, "G²LM|LIC - The Impact of Subsidized Access to Nurseries and Employment Services on Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes and Child Development in Egypt", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.596.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
There are three main explanations as to why female labor force participation, globally, remains low: (1) women’s high opportunity cost of time (2) weak labor demand and (3) restrictive gender norms. The research team will test aspects of all three constraints on FLFP in a low-inc...
Nov 12, 2023
Heath, Rachel M.; Boudreau, Laura; Matin, Imran; Ahmed, Shakil, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - The Effects of Employer Responses to COVID-19 on Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.710.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
This study developed and implemented a mobile-phone-based survey of garment workers in Bangladesh, providing insights about COVID-19 responses in their workplace and the effects on workers. The study asked about factory shutdowns, the rate of safety measures like masks and increa...
Nov 12, 2023
Hsu, Eric; Wancera Wambugu, Anne, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Taming Counterfeits Markets with Consumer Information", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.620.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The project aimed to study whether an information campaign to improve Kenyan farmers’ ability to detect quality of agricultural inputs—such as seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides was able to help: increase usage of techniques to verify seed quality, increase adoption of quality-ver...
Nov 12, 2023
Shonchoy, Abu; Khondker, Bazlul Haque; Raihan, Selim, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Reducing Extreme Poverty through Skill Training for Industry Job Placement", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.238.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The experimental intervention of this study was inspired by the Department for International Development (DFID)-funded training program conducted in the Northern Bangladesh by Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK). By employing randomized controlled trial (RCT) technique, this study addresse...
Nov 12, 2023
Fehr, Dietmar; Fink, Günther; Jack, B. Kelsey, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Poor and Rational: Decision-Making under Scarcity", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.720466.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The authors investigate in a sample of over 3,000 small-scale farmers in Zambia, who were given the opportunity to exchange randomly assigned household items for alternative items of similar value. Analyzing a total of 5,842 trading decisions over a range of items, including cash...
Nov 12, 2023
Islam, Asadul; Triyana, Margaret; Xia, Xing, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Occupational Health and Safety: The Role of Information and Financial Linkage", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.399.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The intervention was carried out in October 2017. A baseline survey was conducted prior to the intervention in 2017 and two follow-up surveys were carried out in December 2018 and end of 2019. In addition, a special follow-up survey of the workers was carried out in January 2021...
Nov 12, 2023
Brudevold-Newman, Andrew; Honorati, Maddalena; Jakiela, Pamela; Ozier, Owen; Ipapa, Gerald, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Nairobi Women’s Labor Market Panel Data", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.406.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The project conducted a randomized evaluation of two labor market interventions between 2013 and 2017 targeted to 905 young women aged 18 to 19 in three of Nairobi’s poorest neighborhoods, Baba Dogo, Dandora, and Lunga-Lunga. Applicants to the program were stratified by neighborh...
Nov 12, 2023
Alfonsi, Livia; Namubiru, Mary; Spaziani, Sara, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Meet Your Future Project: COVID-19 Phone Surveys - Students and Alumnis", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.696.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The Meet Your Future Project (MYF) is an RCT designed in partnership with BRAC Uganda to investigate the relative importance of several barriers to quality employment that students face when transitioning from the educational sector into labor markets characterized by high levels...
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