61 to 70 of 107 Results
Feb 21, 2024 - WageIndicator Foundation
WageIndicator Foundation, 2023, "WageIndicator Survey of Living and Working in Coronavirus Times", https://doi.org/10.15185/wif.corona.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V3
WageIndicator is interviewing people around the world to discover what makes the Coronavirus lockdown easier (or tougher), and what is the COVID-19 effect on our jobs, lives and mood. WageIndicator shows coronavirus-induced changes in living and working conditions in over 110 cou... |
Jan 30, 2024 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Assaad, Raul; Krafft, Caroline, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.706.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V4
The Sudan Labor Market Panel Survey 2022 (SLMPS 2022) is the first wave of a planned longitudinal study of the Sudanese labor market designed to elucidate the way in which human resources are developed and deployed in the Sudanese economy. The SLMPS 2022 is a nationally-represent... |
Jan 29, 2024 - WageIndicator Foundation
WageIndicator Foundation, 2023, "WageIndicator Survey", https://doi.org/10.15185/wif.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The WageIndicator Survey is a continuous, multilingual, multi-country web-survey, counducted across 65 countries since 2000. The web-survey generates cross sectional and longitudinal data which might provide data especially about wages, benefits, working hours, working conditions... |
Jan 29, 2024 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ), Germany; University of Central Asia (UCA), Kyrgyzstan; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Sweden; German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Germany, 2023, "Life in Kyrgyzstan Study, 2010 - 2019", https://doi.org/10.15185/izadp.7055.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The Life in Kyrgyzstan (LiK) Study is a research-based multi-topic longitudinal survey of households and individuals in Kyrgyzstan, which Prof. Tilman Brück started in 2009. It tracks the same 3000 households and over 8000 individuals over time in all seven Kyrgyz regions (oblast... |
Jan 29, 2024 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Askitas, Nikos, 2024, "A Hands-On Machine Learning Primer for Social Scientists: Math, Algorithms and Code", https://doi.org/10.15185/mlp4ssci, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
Jupyter notebooks in Python which accompany the upcoming paper "A Hands-On Machine Learning Primer for Social Scientists: Math, Algorithms and Code". The paper and its code aim at enabling social scientists, who wish to do so, to add Machine Learning techniques to their research... |
Jan 23, 2024 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Kuhn, Peter J.; Shen, Kailing, 2023, "What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads?", https://doi.org/10.15185/izadp.14618.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
When employers’ explicit gender requests were unexpectedly removed from a Chinese job board overnight, pools of successful applicants became more integrated: women’s (men’s) share of call-backs to jobs that had requested men (women) rose by 62 (146) percent. The removal ‘worked’... |
Jan 8, 2024 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Crepon, Bruno; Crafft, Caroline; Caria, Stefano; Abdelrahman, Nagy, 2024, "G²LM|LIC - The Impact of Subsidized Access to Nurseries and Employment Services on Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes and Child Development in Egypt", https://doi.org/10.15185/glmlic.596.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
There are three main explanations as to why female labor force participation, globally, remains low: (1) women’s high opportunity cost of time (2) weak labor demand and (3) restrictive gender norms. The research team will test aspects of all three constraints on FLFP in a low-inc... |
Nov 13, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Eberle, Johanna; Mahlstedt, Robert; Schmucker, Alexandra, 2023, "IZA/IAB Linked Evaluation Dataset", https://doi.org/10.15185/izadp.8337.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The IZA/IAB Linked Evaluation Dataset 1993-2010 was created in the context of the research project trying to obtain reliable estimates for the impact of active labor market policies (ALMP) and understand why and how programs work or not.In cooperation with the Institute for Emplo... |
Nov 12, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Bonin, Holger; Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle; Rinne, Ulf, 2023, "Work Situation and Stress Perception of Dependent Employees in the Year 2021 Marked by the Corona Pandemic", https://doi.org/10.15185/izarr.126.1, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
Against the background of COVID-19 and various measures to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus, the German Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) has commissioned the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) to document the work situation and stress levels of de... |
Nov 12, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Schnedler, Wendelin, 2023, "The Broken Chain: Evidence Against Emotionally Driven Upstream Indirect Reciprocity", https://doi.org/10.15185/j.geb.2022.10.008, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
Psychologists claim that being treated kindly puts individuals in a positive emotional state: they then treat an unrelated third party more kindly. Numerous experiments document that subjects indeed ‘pay forward’ specific behavior. For example, they are less generous after having... |