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    1 to 10 of 81 Results
    ZIP Archive - 910.1 KB - MD5: 909954709d3269a0946da7573688fc4e
    Documentation for successful replication of the study or own research
    ZIP Archive - 504.0 KB - MD5: 45986f1a8f82fb3aa874525ee6e3deb8
    Data are under Embargo. During the Embargo period, the public will only be able to view metadata. Embargo date: 2028-03-18.
    ZIP Archive - 520.4 KB - MD5: ed276abe280de0e6192ec3d2bebde93c
    The repository contains all the essential documentation for the replication and own research.
    ZIP Archive - 325.3 KB - MD5: 3694b2a755456527b3cd882487188523
    The repository contains all the essential data for the replication and own research.
    ZIP Archive - 386.5 KB - MD5: 7631d3c92a99988a10915d434a30f8e2
    The repository contains all the essential documentation for the replication and own research.
    ZIP Archive - 8.2 MB - MD5: cf395678d2d0c13ada9c8c2b013a90a0
    The repository contains all the essential data for the replication and own research.
    ZIP Archive - 170.3 KB - MD5: 895418167e37f63bbbce51ac249e4f83
    The repository contains all the essential documentation necessary for the successful replication.
    ZIP Archive - 8.3 MB - MD5: 952d3c12a0a4cd0e043a774e371c79e5
    The repository contains all the essential data & code necessary for the successful replication.
    ZIP Archive - 18.6 MB - MD5: d02e5c803a48685bce3b2d99526e4f1a
    Data are under Embargo. During the Embargo period, the public will only be able to view metadata. Embargo date: 2027-11-30.
    ZIP Archive - 4.1 MB - MD5: 0593d14d7ee1fe3d1703095056a94dcc
    The repository contains all the essential data & documentation.
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