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31 to 40 of 105 Results
Nov 12, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Field, Erica; Junaid, Syed Uzair; Shahid, Alieha; Subramanian, Nivedhitha; Vyborny, Kate; Garlick, Rob, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Characterizing Urban Labor Market Effects of COVID-19 and Speeding Recovery Through a Job Search Platform",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The data collection from jobseekers and firms is done as part of the enrollment and operations for the job search platform called “Job Talash”. As part of the operations for the platform, vacancies are listed from enrolled firms on the platform and match candidates who meet the r...
Nov 12, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Bassi, Vittorio; Nansamba, Aisha; Rasul, Imran, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Asymmetric Information on the Skills of Workers and Matching in the Labor Market",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The project studies how employers and job seekers respond to credible information on skills that are difficult to observe, and how this affects matching in the labor market. Whether certificates on workers’ non-cognitive skills are disclosed to both sides of the market during job...
Nov 12, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Fafchamps, Marcel; Abebe, Girum; Quinn, Simon; Caria, Stefano, 2023, "G²LM|LIC- Assisting Job Search in Low-Employment Communities",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
In the original research project, two interventions that are designed to help young urban dwellers search for employment by removing spatial and informational obstacles to job search were evaluated experimentally in Addis Ababa. The first intervention was a transport subsidy lowe...
Nov 12, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Whillans, Ashley; Belal, Saika, 2023, "G²LM|LIC - Tracking the Value of Time of Informal Sector Workers During and Post-Curfew in Nairobi",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
Poverty entails more than a scarcity of material resources—it also involves a shortage of time. To examine the causal benefits of reducing time poverty, we conducted a longitudinal field experiment over six consecutive weeks in an urban slum in Kenya with a sample of working moth...
Nov 12, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Bau, Natalie; Khanna, Gaurav; Low, Corinne; Shah, Manisha; Sharmin, Sreyashi; Voena, Alessandra, 2023, "G²LM|LIC- Women’s Well-Being During a Pandemic and its Containment",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
Data is based on a phone survey of 1,545 rural Indian households collected in August 2020 in 20 districts across 6 states (Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra) in Northern India in August 2020. Households participated in a 20–30 min survey...
Nov 12, 2023 - G²LM|LIC - Gender Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries
Ambler, Kate; Arcangelis, Guiseppe De; Yang, Dean, 2023, "G2LM|LIC – Impacts of Labeling Remittances on Migrants and their Households in the Philippines",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The study seeks to support the Philippine COVID-19 response by quantifying the role of international migrant remittances in helping households cope with the pandemic’s economic consequences. To investigate how pandemic closures and restrictions affect migrants’ income and remitta...
ZIP Archive - 1.5 MB - MD5: 801093ccfe77a069001562bdd7eca076
The documentation contains all essential data necessary for the successful replication or execution of individual research projects.
Nov 11, 2023 - IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Bonin, Holger; Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle; Rinne, Ulf, 2023, "Refugees in Germany",, Research Data Center of IZA (IDSC), V2
The “Refugees in Germany” survey is part of a research project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) under the title of “Accompanying evaluation of labor market programs to integrate refugees”. Aim and Conceptualisation The aim of the rese...
MS Word - 43.0 KB - MD5: dacb117205952e9746fe581f62f9d785
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Nov 9, 2023 - WageIndicator Survey
ZIP Archive - 3.9 MB - MD5: b9e6001a7dd0ef280b47015c524e84ea
The documentation contains all essential data necessary for the successful replication or execution of individual research projects.
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